
A commitment to inclusion underpins all that we do in the Learning Support Faculty. By inclusion we mean providing the opportunity for all our students to achieve and delivering the support which enables them to do so.  We value the differences and individuality of all our students and aim to encourage them in all their endeavours and to foster in them the confidence and self-esteem to take on anything, to keep trying and to have a positive attitude towards life and learning.

The Faculty strives to offer comprehensive support for students with additional learning needs  using well-qualified and experienced staff. The team aims to provide early and effective intervention to support our students, whether this is through in-class support; small group or 1:1 specialist teaching; specialist resources or mentoring.

Our principle focus is offering in-class support in the mainstream classroom however we also have a learning support base, housing 2 classrooms, one of which is equipped with PCs programmed with a variety of literacy and numeracy resources. We have a range of specialist resources and staff to support and enhance learning for those with additional needs including programmes such as IDL Literacy and Fresh Start (Read, Write Inc).  We also have specialist staff who can carry out screening for dyslexia and offer support to those who need extra help with handwriting or with learning skills.

The teenage years can be some of the most challenging and difficult for our young people and the Faculty works closely with Heads of Year and the pastoral team to offer emotional support and guidance to help them to cope. The team boasts two ELSA trained teaching assistants and facilitates a Nurture Group provision across Key Stage 3.

At Key Stage 4, students have the opportunity to follow an alternative curriculum via a personal development programme accredited by ASDAN. ASDAN offers flexible, practical learning and is recognised by Colleges, Universities and Employers. We also offer, where appropriate, an additional Key Skills group, transitional support to cope with the heightened demand of the new GCSE qualifications and Entry Level Maths (in conjunction with the Maths Faculty)

Within Learning Support is the EPIC Centre for students with additional Communication and Interaction needs. This is led by our Deputy SENCo and offers bespoke social skills groups, a circle of friends, sensory garden and lunchtime support. Students can also make use of ‘The Nook’, a dedicated quiet space equipped with books, beanbags and fiddle toys should they require a safe environment.
